Category: Test

  • Paper Trading – Dec 2021

    First posted on 2 Dec, updated as and when new trades are executed. Positions Closed PRFT Date: 1 DecOptions: BTC 17 Dec 145 CallPrice Entered: 4.6Price Exited: 0.92 Comment Option hit the 20% mark and was closed using a limit order. AMD, CROX, ENPH, INMD, PRFT Date: 2 Dec Too many positions to list down…

  • How to code a K Nearest Neighbour trading strategy in sklearn

    What is the confusion matrix, classification report and ROC curve How to do a grid search with forward chaining (using the TimeSeriesSplit class) How to backtest a strategy that uses KNN to predict if today’s close will be greater than 99.5% of yesterday’s close How to use the pyfolio module

  • Paper Trading – Nov 2021

    First posted on 2 Nov, updated as and when new trades are executed. Positions Entered Covered Calls BLDR Stock: BTODate Entered: 9 NovPrice: 67.68 Options: STO 17 Dec 70 CallDate Entered: 9 NovDays to Expiry: 38Price: 2.3ROO: 2.3 / 67.68 = 3.4%Return on Upside: 2.32 / 67.68 = 3.4% Pros Stock passed the IBD screen…

  • Paper Trading – Oct 2021

    Lately I’m paper trading two strategies – covered call selling and the wheel strategy. This is not the best time to try the two strategies as I have not completed the book on covered calls yet. In addition, this is earnings season and a lot of stocks are too near to expiry (less than 30…