Solving the AR(1) Model – Finding its Mean, Variance and Covariance

We discussed the AR(p) model previously when discussing linear time series. In this post, we’ll learn to solve the AR(1) model, where

Rt = c0 + c1Rt−1 + σ*zt

Finding the Mean of the AR(1) model

= c0 + c1E[Rt−1] + σ*E[zt]
= c0 +c1E[Rt−1] + σ*0
= c0 +c1E[Rt−1]

Since AR(1) is stationary, E[Rt] = E[Rt−1]

E[Rt] = c0/(1−c1)

Let μ = c0/(1+λ), where μ = E[Rt] and λ = −c1

c0 = μ*(1+λ)

Rt = μ*(1+λ) + (−λ)Rt−1 + σ*zt
Rt − μ = −λ(Rt−1 − μ) + σ*zt ———————— (1)

Finding the variance of the AR(1) model

Let 𝛾0 
= Var[Rt]
= E[(Rt − μ)2]
= E[(−λ(Rt−1 − μ) + σ*zt)2]            (refer to (1))
= λ2E[(Rt−1 − μ)2] + 2*(−λ)*(σ)*E[(Rt−1 − μ)*zt] + σ2E[zt2]
= λ2E[(Rt−1 − μ)2] + σ2
= λ2*𝛾0 + σ2

Note: E[(Rt−1 − μ)*zt] = 0 due to the independence of zt from all earlier time values

𝛾0 = σ2 / (1−λ2)

λ should be less than one in magnitude else the denominator blows up. λ is the multiplier for Rt−1, so it makes sense for λ to be smaller than one as the effect of Rt−1 dies off over time.

Finding the autocovariance of the AR(1) model

Autocovariance = Covariance in the time series context

= E[(Rt − μ)(Rt−k − μ)]
= E[(−λ(Rt−1 − μ) + σ*zt)(Rt−k − μ)]
= E[(−λ(Rt−1 − μ)(Rt−k − μ)] + σ*E[(zt(Rt−k − μ)]
= −λ*E[(Rt−1 − μ)(Rt−k − μ)] + 0
= −λ*𝛾k−1  (using recursion from step 1)

= (−λ)k𝛾0
= (−λ)kσ2/(1−λ2)

This is known as the lag-k autocovariance coefficient. It relates the influence of an excess return value at one point in time with values k periods in the past.


Solution of Model

Rt = c0 + c1Rt−1 + σ*zt

Mean = c0/(1−c1)
Variance = σ2 / (1−λ2)
Covariance = (−λ)kσ2/(1−λ2)

where λ = −c1

Note 1

The covariance is known as the lag-k autocovariance coefficient

Note 2

Model can be re-written as
Rt − μ = −λ(Rt−1 − μ) + σ*zt

Note 3

AR(1) model is often used to model mean reversion.

Rt − μ and Rt−1 − μ are differences from the mean of the two variables Rt and Rt−1, respectively.

If λ is positive and (Rt−1 − μ) is positive, the first term on the RHS will be negative, thus decreasing the value of Rt − μ. 

In other words, if we overshoot the mean in one period, we push R towards the mean in the next period.


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